Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Moving On.

The Race is On
During the Summer time, I generally make two pots (Gallons) of Tea at one time.  I hate running out of Iced tea...especially since I am cutting down from consuming Diet Dr. Pepper.  My Mom taught me how to make Iced Tea.  The trick is to NEVER boil your tea bags.  Let the water heat until the little bubbles form in the bottom of the pot....almost boiling...then just turn off the heat.  Let it cool to room temperature and mix 50/50 in a one gallon jug.    Nice CLEAR Tea.  Perfect. 
Funny thing about Athletes and Coaches.  I can't just "turn-off" the competitive side of my life, so I find myself discovering new ways to satisfy my need for competition.  Examples of this sickness include:
* I am making two pots of tea at the same time.  I am actually having races between the front and back burners to see which one boils first. 
* I part my hair (YES, I still have a head full of hair) in the middle to keep one side of my body from dominating the other side.
* When putting on shoes and socks, I MUST put on one shoe then one sock, NEVER both socks and then both shoes.  This way, in case there is a flash flood, I can hop around on one leg and stay dry while the rest of you have wet feet. 
*  I wear my athletic shoes almost all the time.  This way, I can spring into action in case someone breaks into my house.  This has never happened, but one never knows do they? 
* I wish I could go out on my boat and not want to race everybody on the water.  I was buzzing into the inlet on Sunday, and another boat pulled up next to me doing the same thing.  I told Marty: " This guy is trying me"  I buried the throttle and about killed us in the rough water.  I did win however. 
* Why can't I watch a football game like a normal person?  Why do I have to see all the little things which happen on every play?  Tony Perry and I were dissecting the littlest things on Friday night, while everyone around us were thinking: "What the hell are you guys talking about?" 
* Why do I drive down the road and see how long I can hold my breath?  I have actually held my breath driving down I-95 for one mile (according to mile markers)  I try to better my record each time I drive. 
* This one is crazy.  I will actually see how long I can drive with my eyes closed without hitting the speed bumps on the side or the middle of the road.   I try to make a count of 10 .  One thousand one, one thousand two, etc..  In case you are wondering, this is generally a I-95 thing. 
* Why can't I carry in the groceries a little at a time.  Why do I see how many bags I can carry on one trip?  It would be so much easier.....but NOOOO, I can't do that.  It's all or nothing. 
I competitive nature may have rubbed off on my kids a little.  A few years back, Kristin and I had a little......spat! Nothing too serious, but neither one of us had much to say for a couple of weeks.  Finally, one of us was forced to call the other one...I really can't remember the situation; however, I do remember getting a text message from Kristin stating: " I Win".... that's all it said.  Kristin won this 'I can out last you' battle this time.  I really had to laugh...she get it honest.  Kristin has the "I am going to GUT you" attitude I love so much. 
Michael was telling me a story about his basic training in the Army.  These guys used to go on these brutal 20 Mile ruck marches with full the heat of a steamy (Ft. Benning,Georgia) Summer.  He said people were falling out all over the road.  Mike stated he kept thinking: "I HAVE to make the final destination! I can't be one of those guys"  Apparently he was one of the few who made his time allotted for the exercise.  I guess all the "lessons in life" stuck with him a little too.

1 comment:

  1. I love to hear about Mike! I learned a lot from you Coach!
