Sunday, November 10, 2013

Moving On

Grice: 16 Months Old 
Look at the feet on my Grandson Grice!  Notice how his feet are always pointed down field...maybe slightly angled inward a little....he is not slew footed. It does not matter if Grice is standing or walking, his feet are always in the correct athletic position.  I also notice that he walks heel up to toe, and not flat footed...another sign of an athlete....not that I am checking him out or anything.  Plus, his feet and hands are HUGE for a baby.  I heard that Peyton Manning had large hands and feet too.....not that it matters to me! 
"Look Mom!  I a Woman!" 
KIRBY is a handful.  She has that I-don't-give-a-darn attitude which  is completely different than Kelsey...and she drives my daughter Kristin crazy.  Kirby is an independent thinker, and she does everything on "Kirby Time" ...or when she darn well feels like it.  She really is a sweet baby, even if she does not show it LOL.  Ask her: "Kirby, do you love PawPaw?"  "NOPE"  she will answer!   Then, out of nowhere, she will run into your lap, give you a kiss,  and proceed to talk smack some to her sister!  I love this kid. 
Here is a funny story about Kirby: 
On the way back home from my Dads place last weekend, I stopped to see the babies again.  I sat in Kristin's (my daughter) living room telling her the story about my Dad's death as I told it in the previous blog.  Kelsey noticed that I was upset while I told the story, and noticed her mother was upset as well.  Kelsey is so kind hearted, so she snuggled with her PawPaw on the couch as I explained the details to Kristin.  I needed Kelsey's love more than ever at that moment.  It was my hope that Kirby would follow suit and join us on the couch so I could get some "Double Lovin"  from the girls in my life.  I said: "Kirby, come see PawPaw!"  "NOPE" she says before running into the play room.  I am still giggling about it.  My Dad would have laughed so hard.  Hey, no worries here!  I love her sassy attitude. 
(R-L)  Kelsey-Kirby-Grice
Time for me to move on and start living life again.  These babies are the only things which make me happy....I need to see them more.

1 comment:

  1. Love that you love my babies. And I'm proud to say I grew that natural athlete myself... love my baby boy and those feet of his!! Love my sassy little Kirby and her "don't give a damn" attitude, and love my big girl with a big heart.
