Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The BANDITOS: Los Tiburones: Estas Listo?

Coach Lou Holtz 

"If you are looking for a kicker, go visit the soccer team" 
Several years ago, I attended a coaching clinic put on by the now defunct Coaches USA organization in St. Louis Missouri.  I was excited to attend a special motivation and Q&A session taught by Lou Holtz.  If you have never heard this guy speak, put this on your bucket list on things to do.  Despite his slight lisp and small stature, Holtz is a powerful speaker.  Of course me being a huge Notre Dame fan, it was probably the most exciting day in my coaching career.  I am still a huge Holtz fan to this day.  I specifically asked Holtz about special teams of his strong points.  I stated that I always had issues with finding a good kicker year after year.  Coach Holtz said: "If you are looking for a kicker, go visit the soccer team."  Hmmmm.  Good idea. 
Kickoff Team 
Today I did some work out in our Fellsmere Community. I looked outside to my truck, and I saw 4 of my former football players looking at my truck and obviously waiting for me to come outside. I walked outside to nice reunion with my former Hispanic (Mexican) football players.  We laughed and joked around for a couple of minutes...and then one of the players stated: "Coach, Remember the Banditos?"   Then another player said: "Coach always loved the Mexican Players!"  Wow....the Banditos!  Controversial at the time...but so much fun.  And it's true....and did love the Mexican kids...such hard workers.  Here is the story. 
I was coaching on the JV level with Coach Dan Smith...That year, we had about 20 hard working Hispanic kids on our team.  I used to ask the kids: "Who can kick?'  Of course, Hispanic soccer kids will always tell you about the player with the best leg.  I would enthusiastically recruit this kid to kick for us....remembering the lesson Holtz taught me previously.  Generally, Coach Smith put me in charge of Kickoff team, so he left me alone to do the long as the job was done, Dan had nothing to say.  Great guy to work for. 
The Mexican kids WORKED HARD trying to learn football.  Facts are that in the Hispanic community, its all about soccer....not football.  So, the sport is not embedded in their background like it is over here.  The kids were generally behind the learning curve, but they were like sponges absorbing everything we were teaching.  I just loved their work ethic....and they knew I loved them. 
Once I found a kicker, that year I started surrounding him with his friends.  next thing ya know, I had an entire Mexican Kickoff Team ready to go.  These kids took great pride in their special team...and I knick named them: "The Banditos"  The KIDS LOVED the special identity....and kids fought hard to be a "Bandito" and it was great fun to watch.  These kids would actually speak Spanish on the field, and no one else would know what the hell they were talking about.  The players would take the field and say: "Los Tiburones:  Esta Listo?  This means: "SHARKS, are you ready?"  They all would yell:  "SI" and kick off the ball.  MAN it was fun.  I wanted to have Banditos Tee Shirts made and all. 
Soccer Style Kicker 

I told Coach Smith I wanted to go with an All-Mexican kickoff team.  Dan was not too sure if Coach Bethel would go for it...sort of worried about being politically correct and all.  Dan told me to ask Bethel.  I told Randy of my plans, and he nixed it...sort of!  Randy said: "MAN, are you trying to get me fired? You can't do that!"  So, I dismantled the "Banditos"...sort of.  I still used them, but it was a sort-of underground thing.  Dan was in charge of the kickoff return team, so I used to line up the "Banditos" to run a live kickoff return drill.  It was great practice for our team.  I think Dan's special team ran back 3 or 4 kicks that year, and I am sure the "Banditos" contributed to the success. 
Now that I think back on this, I guess it was a little contoversial at the time, but it was never intended to be that way.  I can see Randy's concern of the feedback possibilities.  I was just trying to get the Mexican players invoved with their own special identity...sort of a badge of honor.  There was nothing racial about it.  Most of you guys know I don't see color or race anyway....if a kid can play...he can play.  Now don't laugh at me, but I actually went to Soccer games that year and watched my "Banditos" play their native sport.....and you know something?  Coach Holtz was right. 
I really miss my kids....and stories like this. 

1 comment:

  1. I know all of your stories, Dad.. and I didn't know this one. I laughed the entire way through. You always seem to find a way to connect with your players, and this was fantastic!
