Saturday, October 26, 2013


I was watching college football this afternoon and saw Wake Forrest try a trick play late in the game.  Trick plays can be very effective, but they can also signal desperation in the team dialing it up to score some points.  I sort of have mixed emotions about using trick plays; however they can be fun for the team, and give them something to look forward to during a game.  Generally speaking, because most teams have  pretty good video on the opposition.....thanks to #HUDL, a particular trick play can only be used once a game....if not once a season.  This forces a coach to be creative in his coaching. 
I was watching this video on YouTube earlier this evening, and I watched this play work for a 75 yard QB Run.  The QB lined his team up, took the snap, and then started counting off yards line they were being penalized for something. The QB got 10 yards down the field and started running and ran untouched into the endzone.  This trick play was run by a youth team, but in worked nonetheless.  Trick plays will always involve deception of some type....and most of them really stretch the rules of the game.  As you can probably imagine, I have my share of trick plays I have used over the year....some good, some bad. 
I never actually ran this play, but I have seen it run by several College teams including Nebraska and Florida State, and Boston College. The QB lines up under center, takes the snap, immediately puts the ball on the ground, then an offensive lineman usually comes around and pick up the ball and runs it downfield.  The whole time, the QB (and the team) usually simulates a play running the other way to draw the defense with them.  The play works because no one expects a lineman to be carrying the ball.  Pretty cool when it works, and the lineman LOVE the play of course. 
Laying on the Field Hiding
Hiding the Ball is Common
Most trick plays involve hiding the ball in some way. Therefore, I always warned the referees before the game that a trick play will be coming during the game.  I always tried to explain the play, WHY the play is legal, and what to look for when we run it.  On the following play, I carefully read the rules book to design my particular play.  The rule book CLEARLY states that a team MUST break the huddle with 11 players, meaning that a team cant' line up with 13 players and run two players off at the last second.   Hmm, I might be able to use this rule to my advantage. Here is my play: 
This play takes advantage of the 11 man huddle rule.  I start setting up the play early in the first quarter.  I would intentionally break the huddle with 12 players and quickly line up on the field.  Then, VERY VERBALLY, I would call off the offending player and berate him on the sideline.  I would also pay attention to how the defense reacted to me calling off the player.  Of course, I would get a five yard penalty for Illegal participation.....this is exactly what I wanted.  I would repeat this scenario in the 2nd Qtr or maybe in the 3rd Qtr...again, exactly like I wanted.  Then, I called my play. 
This time, I would only have 11 players in the huddle.....including the player caught on the field during the setup plays.  I would set myself up standing directly down the line of scrimmage.  I would call the "Offending" player off the field VERY LOUDLY.  I would say: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON THE FIELD AGAIN? "  The player would trot off the field directly at me.....except I would not let him leave the field.  He would face me on the sideline while I berated him some more ....when the QB called for the snap, I would send the player sprinting up the sideline.  Generally speaking, there will be no one within 30 yards of him.  The QB threw him the ball and we would score.  The defense got used to my player screwing up, so they would ignore him when he ran off the field while being berated my his coach.......ME!  The play almost always worked, and I tried to save the play for when I needed it the most.  I tried not to waste it.  
Former Vero Beach High School Coach Billy Livings ran a version of the play called "Coach, I lost my mouthpiece."  Same thing as my play really, but Coach Livings used to run his QB off the field screaming he forgot his mouthpiece, the center would direct snap the ball to his fullback, who would then throw it to the QB sprinting up the sideline. I loved this play too, but I never had a fullback who could throw the ball deep consistently. 
Trick plays are fun for the kids, and fun to call at the right times....but they always pissed off the defense.  So, I tried to use them for KILL SHOTS or morale killers.  They were also great for a change of possession plays to gain momentum.  I usually tried to have two or three of these plays in my arsenal.  I would select a play, and we would rep the play during the week at practice. 
I'm out of here.  My shoulder is killing me. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The BANDITOS: Los Tiburones: Estas Listo?

Coach Lou Holtz 

"If you are looking for a kicker, go visit the soccer team" 
Several years ago, I attended a coaching clinic put on by the now defunct Coaches USA organization in St. Louis Missouri.  I was excited to attend a special motivation and Q&A session taught by Lou Holtz.  If you have never heard this guy speak, put this on your bucket list on things to do.  Despite his slight lisp and small stature, Holtz is a powerful speaker.  Of course me being a huge Notre Dame fan, it was probably the most exciting day in my coaching career.  I am still a huge Holtz fan to this day.  I specifically asked Holtz about special teams of his strong points.  I stated that I always had issues with finding a good kicker year after year.  Coach Holtz said: "If you are looking for a kicker, go visit the soccer team."  Hmmmm.  Good idea. 
Kickoff Team 
Today I did some work out in our Fellsmere Community. I looked outside to my truck, and I saw 4 of my former football players looking at my truck and obviously waiting for me to come outside. I walked outside to nice reunion with my former Hispanic (Mexican) football players.  We laughed and joked around for a couple of minutes...and then one of the players stated: "Coach, Remember the Banditos?"   Then another player said: "Coach always loved the Mexican Players!"  Wow....the Banditos!  Controversial at the time...but so much fun.  And it's true....and did love the Mexican kids...such hard workers.  Here is the story. 
I was coaching on the JV level with Coach Dan Smith...That year, we had about 20 hard working Hispanic kids on our team.  I used to ask the kids: "Who can kick?'  Of course, Hispanic soccer kids will always tell you about the player with the best leg.  I would enthusiastically recruit this kid to kick for us....remembering the lesson Holtz taught me previously.  Generally, Coach Smith put me in charge of Kickoff team, so he left me alone to do the long as the job was done, Dan had nothing to say.  Great guy to work for. 
The Mexican kids WORKED HARD trying to learn football.  Facts are that in the Hispanic community, its all about soccer....not football.  So, the sport is not embedded in their background like it is over here.  The kids were generally behind the learning curve, but they were like sponges absorbing everything we were teaching.  I just loved their work ethic....and they knew I loved them. 
Once I found a kicker, that year I started surrounding him with his friends.  next thing ya know, I had an entire Mexican Kickoff Team ready to go.  These kids took great pride in their special team...and I knick named them: "The Banditos"  The KIDS LOVED the special identity....and kids fought hard to be a "Bandito" and it was great fun to watch.  These kids would actually speak Spanish on the field, and no one else would know what the hell they were talking about.  The players would take the field and say: "Los Tiburones:  Esta Listo?  This means: "SHARKS, are you ready?"  They all would yell:  "SI" and kick off the ball.  MAN it was fun.  I wanted to have Banditos Tee Shirts made and all. 
Soccer Style Kicker 

I told Coach Smith I wanted to go with an All-Mexican kickoff team.  Dan was not too sure if Coach Bethel would go for it...sort of worried about being politically correct and all.  Dan told me to ask Bethel.  I told Randy of my plans, and he nixed it...sort of!  Randy said: "MAN, are you trying to get me fired? You can't do that!"  So, I dismantled the "Banditos"...sort of.  I still used them, but it was a sort-of underground thing.  Dan was in charge of the kickoff return team, so I used to line up the "Banditos" to run a live kickoff return drill.  It was great practice for our team.  I think Dan's special team ran back 3 or 4 kicks that year, and I am sure the "Banditos" contributed to the success. 
Now that I think back on this, I guess it was a little contoversial at the time, but it was never intended to be that way.  I can see Randy's concern of the feedback possibilities.  I was just trying to get the Mexican players invoved with their own special identity...sort of a badge of honor.  There was nothing racial about it.  Most of you guys know I don't see color or race anyway....if a kid can play...he can play.  Now don't laugh at me, but I actually went to Soccer games that year and watched my "Banditos" play their native sport.....and you know something?  Coach Holtz was right. 
I really miss my kids....and stories like this. 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Byrnes Week!!

 Florida State's Nick O'Leary 

Did you guys see this kid play on Saturday night?  This player (#35) Nick O'Leary was unstoppable.  He ran through Clemson's defense all evening.  I actually felt sorry for one of Clemson's defensive backs who came up and tried to tackle this kid one on one.....O'Leary just lowered his shoulder and ran over the kid.  It was brutal.  FSU has Nick playing tight-end and sort of an "H" back position on the team.  Coach Jimbo Fisher must have a great time trying to decide where to use him next.  This kid is simply a beast. 

In case you did not know, Nick OLeary is the grandson of Jack Nicklaus.  Nick played his HS football at Willian T Dwyer (Dwyer) in Palm Beach County Florida.  We (at Sebastian River High School) played Dwyer in the playoffs a few year's ago.  O'Leary was a special player then, but he has continued to get better and better.  This powerful Junior will be playing on Sunday for sure. 

Duncan Byrnes High School 
I am heading up North to see my dad this week.  However, I am stopping by Kristin's house to see the babies.  On Friday night, me and Joey are going to watch the best HS football program I have ever seen.....Byrnes High School (BHS) play a district game against Mauldin High School in Greenville, South Carolina. 
Many of you know I have been around the block a few times here in Florida.  I have been around some of the great high school programs in the State including: Aquinas, Vero Beach, Bolles, Manatee, to name a few.  A few years ago, I was introduced to BHS with a clouded opinion.  I truly thought there is no way a program from South Carolina could ever be a good as a program from Florida....I was dead wrong.  I was shocked to say the least. 
Marcus Lattimore  & Chas Dodd 
Let me try to describe what a home game is like.  This team averages 7000 fans for every home game...crowds of 10K are not unusual.  Parking?  Forget about parking if you arrive after 5:30.  Be prepared for a long walk from the car.  The first thing that you notice is a HUGE JumboTron scoreboard which is playing commercials from various businesses throughout the region.  TV stations are playing "Live" remotes from the stadium.  There is usually a plane or some type of blimp circling the field with advertising or carrying a television camera.  There are several food venues selling game food of all types....but the best thing going are the "Byrnes Hot Dogs" sold at the concession stand.  These are simple all-beef hot dogs with just a simple line of sweet chili and mustard across the top.  The best hot dogs I have had from anywhere. 
This team is sponsored by Nike....which means there are brand new uniforms every year for the team.  What happens to the old jerseys?  Well, last year's jerseys are sold to the public at $35 a pop...and they go like hot cakes.  The crowd is awash in a sea of blue and white jerseys and "Byrnes Nation" attire.  The band is awesome and plays at the correct times.  This time of year means there will be a nip in the air, and you will not sweat your ass off watching the game.  It is just the perfect atmosphere to watch a HS football game. 
Byrnes actually has four (4) different teams playing.  They do have a 7th and 8th grade team which fields about 125 kids.  They also have a 9th grade team of about 125 kids.  Byrnes fields a JV team (10th and 11th graders) with over 100 kids, and the Varsity team (11th and 12th graders) fields over 100 players at all times.  The team generally takes the field in the endzone lined up shoulder to shoulder, sideline to sideline spilling over the field boundaries.  This show of depth is overwhelming to most teams.  Byrnes does not substitute one player at a time, they generally substitute  in four linemen at a time for instance.  This team will wear an opponent down with pure depth. 
I remember telling the coaches back here about this Byrnes team.  It just so happened that one of the best teams in Florida (PAHOKEE that year) came up to Byrnes to play a game early in the season.  Pahokee gets off the bus with about 30 players.  Byrnes takes the field with over 100 players.  Pahokee held their own for about a quarter.....then it was all Rebels from that point.  Later in the year, Tallahassee Lincoln (6A State Champion) came up to play a game.  Lincoln had more kids than Pahokee, but the result was the same...blowout. 
The upstate region in South Carolina plays very good football.  Overall, I would say that most teams in the region would be very competitive in a Florida district.  A team like Byrnes would play in a Florida 6A classification. 
This is going to be fun! 
Later GZ 


Saturday, October 19, 2013

Deciding Grice's Future

Grice...Age 16 Months

Funny thing about a Grandson.  Just when you think that your best coaching days are behind you, your daughter gives you a big ole Grandson  (with huge hands) to start changing your mind.  Grice (age 16 months) has a pretty good football pedigree, and he has decent breeding between his parents.  His Daddy (Joey) was our former QB at Sebastian River High School, and he played basketball as well.  Joey is probably 6'1" and 225lbs at this point...but he used to be built like my son Mike....tall and thin.  Kristin is built a little shorter to the ground, and built like the powerful athlete she used to be.  Grice has HUGE HANDS, and big feet which really gets me thinking....what can I make out of this un-molded piece of clay? 
Joey was a pretty good QB for us...he had a great, strong arm.  Joe's problem was he did not have the wheels to go along with his body.  Our offensive line struggled in the early days, so Joe was constantly running for his life back there.  When we did blocked for him, Joe was an accurate passer; Unfortunately, it's hard to throw with the defense in your face all the time.  If we had it to do all over again, Joe would have probably been a better tight end in his day. Unfortunately, he was also our best QB choice too....bad feet and all. 
I hated that son-of-a-bitch when he played for me (us)   He was always trying to date my daughter (Kristin)...and I used football as a way to keep that from happening....I THINK!  I remember Joey asking: "Coach, who is your daughter dating?"  I used to say: "NOT YOU"   I also remember during our team stretch periods, Joey asking me: "Coach, why is your daughter always dating those sissy boys?"   I used to say: "Keeps her from dating YOU!"  I think I had a pretty good grasp of Kristin's dating habits...but I knew Joey was after her.  I was relieved when she went off the college. 
Kristin actually went to college for five (5) years in NASHVILLE (at Vanderbilt) without dating Joey or seeing him much.  Then, I noticed her fuel bill getting higher and higher during her graduate year.  I noticed a lot of fuel being purchased heading towards Atlanta.  Atlanta?  Who the hell lives down there? guessed it!  My asshole,slow footed ex-QB Joey lived in Atlanta.  The rest is history. Joey turned out to be a pretty good guy, and we became pretty close over the years.  He still has bad feet though. 
I don't think Grice will be a speed demon, but I have a feeling he is going to be powerful.  He has long arms and long legs to go along with the big hands.  I am thinking I may have a future tight-end or maybe a five technique defensive lineman.  Also, with the long arms, Grice may be a great center, or offensive tackle.  I will keep an eye on him. 
Grice may play the piano.....and that's OK too! 

Thursday, October 3, 2013


Vero Beach Fighting Indians 
Ft. Pierce Central Cobras 
OK.  This is it.  This is the game I have been talking about since I started writing this latest blog.  This is an epic battle of the area's two powerhouse high-school football teams.  The Vero Beach Fighting Indians (VBHS) are traveling 20 miles down the coast to take on the Ft. Pierce Central Cobras (FPC)  Almost all of the former Sebastian River Football staff will be making the trip down to Lawnwood Stadium to watch what should be one of the marquee games of the any level. 
VBHS & FPC are both undefeated at 4-0.  Both teams compete in the same district at the same 8A Level .  Both teams are state ranked.  Both teams run a version of the "spread" offense, and both teams are loaded with talent.  So, who do I think will win?  Lets have a look.  (in no particular order)


Vero Beach High School.  Our mother school.  When I coached at SRHS, I sort of had a love/hate relationship with the old school.  I hated playing VBHS because they were always so well coached and loaded with athletes.  I hated looking over at their sidelines and seeing 70-80 (mostly 11-12th)grade players while we struggled with 35-40 players of all grades.  I hated seeing their stands just packed full of cheering fans.  I hated hearing the Florida State war chant with the tomahawk chop.  I hated seeing the corporate sponsorship painted on their field. 

On the other hand:

I loved seeing my old coaching buddies on the VB sidelines.  I loved seeing many of my old players still hanging around the stadium.  I loved seeing some old acquaintances come up and greet me as we entered the stadium.  I loved warming up on the familiar well-manicured Citrus Bowl grass turf.  I loved the smell of the game-food being prepared all over the stadium.  I loved the special goose bumps on my arms as I heard the VB Band come to life.  I then knew we were about to go into a battle with big-brother.  Oh man, I am getting cold chills down my back as I write this blog. 

The VBHS team is loaded again this year.  They are probably not as deep on the Offensive Line as they have been, but Coach DeLuke's (a very good friend) boys have pulled it together.  The QB (Dalton Stokes) has matured into a pretty good team player.  Dalton does not seem to have a favorite receiver which is VERY GOOD.  Stokes will distribute the ball with accuracy to many weapons. I like this kid.  VBHS's defense is a real strong point for the team.  Coach Krystoforski's (I know I spelled that wrong....sorry Kris)  kids are experienced and FAST.  The addition of Patrick Bethel has given Vero some needed size on the defensive front, and the Horstman kid is a great athlete with good size.  Vero's corners are locked down, and the safeties rarely let anyone get behind them.  The Kicking game?  Forget about it!!  This kid can flat-out kick and is becoming Mr. Automatic on both field goals and PAT's.  Such a weapon to have!! 

Ft. Pierce Central Cobras
Believe it or not, we used to love playing FPC.  It did not matter where they were ranked, or what kind of team FPC had that year, we always matched up well with them for some reason.  I mentioned in an earlier blog that FPC has not always been the great team they are now.  In the earlier days, we used to whip them every year.  They have always been very big, and they always had great size.  I remember gazing to their sidelines and being amazed by the athletes they had.  Unfortunately. FPC was splitting athletes with Ft. Pierce Westwood, and it did hurt them somewhat.  Since then, school boundaries have changed, school rankings have changed, and FPC was blessed with an influx of additional talent.  Since then, Coach Shaffer came in and took the football program to a different level. 
FPC is blessed with tremendous talent again this year.  They run a "pistol set" spread offense led by Senior QB Sam Vaughn.  This kid is a great team leader, and he never seems to panic.  The skill positions with FPC are deep as usual, with tall receivers with good speed.  They run the ball with authority behind a big offensive line anchored by a 6'6" (10th grade) left tackle.  FPC can score from many different positions, so keying on any one offensive aspect would be a mistake.   The Defensive for FPC is fast...plain and simple.  The defensive line is good sized and really quick for their size.  Their linebackers are about as good as I have seen, and their corners are not afraid to play cover 1 (man to man) when asked to....tough kids.  If I have anything negative to say about FPC's defense, I would suggest that the safeties may be a little suspect.  I have seen them get beat deep a couple of times.  Also, I am not sold on their kicking game. 
So, who am I picking in this game?  This is a tough game to pick.  Both teams are so close.  The game could go either way really.  I asked Coach Wilson the same question today, and he said: "The last team with the ball will win!"  So, I guess even the coin toss becomes important.  Who wins the toss?  Do they defer to the second half?  Who wants the ball first?  This will not be a defensive battle...believe that!  Both teams are going to score....and score a lot.  Who is going to win?  Here it is: 
VB:    31
FPC:   28 
The kicking game is the difference. 
Check with you Tomorrow.