Wednesday, August 28, 2013

View from Above

Duncan BYRNES High School 
One of the most difficult parts about not-coaching is learning how to watch a football game like a normal person again.  Don't take this for granted.  I wish I could watch a football game like I do a baseball game.....just watch the game for enjoyment.  But, I can't do that.  I have to over analyze everything. 
 Since I am an offensive coach, I tend to watch the offenses of every team very carefully.  Since I coached the skill kids, I tend to focus on what they are doing on every play.  In my head I am thinking: "What coverage is the QB looking at?"  "What is the defensive alignment? "How are the defensive backs playing?"  "Is the QB reading Blitz?"  THEN, I focus on the play itself.  How were the QB's steps?"  "Did the QB look off the safety?"  "Do the Wide Receivers run their routes correctly?"  "Who got beat on the offensive line?"  "WHAT WAS THE DAMN SNAP COUNT?"  And on and on. 
A Football coach sort of sees the entire field at one time.  It's hard to explain, but you learn learn how to do it.   I have looked at so much video (or TAPE in the old days) that I think it has become second nature.  Since I am an offensive coach, I look at a lot of defenses, and this determines what play needs to be called to beat the defense.  Naturally, a defensive coach looks at a lot of offenses, so he is doing the same thing in reverse.  I know, it's weird.  But sometimes I am actually brain-tired after watching a game from the stands or on big screen TV. 
Byrnes Offense Goes To Work
I am always thinking offensive football even today.  For some reason, I will start drawing up plays at the weirdest times.  I have found plays written on my business order forms, on my desk, on my work bench, on napkins, on random pieces of paper, or in the dirt where I am standing  I used to keep a tablet on the nightstand beside my bed for those middle-of-the-night plays when they come.  I know, I know, I have to move on....but my brain does not know it yet. 
California De La Salle High School-Great Program
I think this whole not-coaching thing may be good for my football career.  I am sure collecting a lot of information from all the schools I am visiting, and I have a lot of fresh ideas that I may adapt.  All coaches are thieves really.  We will steal ideas from one another, and then start using it our self.  Once we use it, then it becomes our own. 
Man, I really miss not being on the field. 


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