Sunday, August 25, 2013

Words of a Traitor

This blog entry is dedicated to my son Mike.  He is being deployed as I write this.  2nd Cavalry Fighting Man. 

Ric Flair Not Too Damn Happy 

"How could you abandon the kids?"  
These words were pulling at my heart as I debated my next move.  What would be the 'politically correct' way of handling my first response?  What would be my 'Kentucky Redneck' way of handling my initial response?  I picked up my #Blackberry phone and went to my #Twitter account.   I could feel my blood pressure rise as I chose the high ground in my first response; luckily, a big supporter came to my defense almost instantly.......
If you have read either of my blogs at all ( and this current blog, you know that I am no longer coaching at Sebastian River High School (SRHS)  In fact, upon Coach Bethel's dismissal, SRHS lost nearly the entire staff (all but one) at the same time.  Simply put, we all chose not to go back out this year.  I won't get into the story again (read the blogs) but each of us have our own reasons for not coaching.  However, each of us are united with one big reason for not coaching.  RESPECT. The public is being fed a long line of propaganda bullshit being put out by the people in charge.
We were told that people wanted a coaching change...this is what the public wants.  Yet, when we try to leave, we are labeled with the following adjectives and statements. Yes, we hear them constantly. 
*  Traitors
*  Cowards
* "Turned our backs on the kids"
* "Turned our backs on the program"
*  BBC  (Big Black Coaches)
Let me get something straight right now.  We NEVER turned our backs on the kids...NONE of us will do that.  ( NEVER turned my back on Mason or Zach..I love them both like my own sons.)  It is better if I just back off and let them concentrate on football away from the drama surrounding the former coaches.  If you ask any of the kids, deep down, they know that they could call ANY of us right now, and we would help them at the drop of a hat.  It's not their fault that adults are idiots. 
These incidents happened to me just this week.  These are the reasons I can no longer live in Florida.  These are the reasons I absolutely hate it here. 
1.  I was going fishing.  I stopped at Walmart to purchase some D.O.A. rubber fishing baits for redfish and snook.  I was looking at a package of baits, and I hear a lady say: "Didn't you used to coach at the school?"  I said: "Yes"  She said: "Are you one of the bunch who left the football team?  How could you guys turn your backs on the kids like that?"  Now keep this in mind, I did not know this lady from Adam.  I immediately dropped a big "F" Bomb on this bitch, and followed it up with another shortly after.  Then, her husband decided he was going to get involved and I shut his ass up with a 3rd "F" bomb.  I had no idea who these people were.....parent or otherwise.  I just threw down my baits and walked out. 
2.  As I started this blog, I began telling a story of an incident which happened just yesterday.  I received a 'Tweet' from a lady (we all know) accusing all the coaches of turning their backs on the kids.  This tweet was un-solicited and just came out of no where.  Apparently, she did not like the fact that virtually the entire former football staff was sitting in the stands at the Vero Beach (VB) game and watching two great football teams compete.  She came at me first....Luckily, my daughter Kristin jumped in and shut her up. 
Now, this kind of stuff is constantly happening to me.  I am constantly answering questions, avoiding questions, and hiding from people asking about why we decided not to coach.  Even my retail business customers are asking why we left.  I can't stand it anymore.  I just want to leave this hell I am living in and move.....its going to happen soon too. 

                                                                            Ric Flair Begs For Mercy

So, to answer the big question:  "Why did we stop coaching?"  Here is your answer: 
I stopped coaching because what they did to Randy Bethel was wrong.....very wrong.  The disrespect they showed to Randy's staff was awful.  They assumed we all were coming back....well, they were wrong.  Don't blame the coaches.....Blame the Administration. 


  1. I've always supported you, and always will. One of the things I am most proud of in this world is that I have been a daughter of a football coach. I've learned lessons in life through watching you on and off the field, from dealing with conflict with referees, facing down the giants of competition, and exhibiting compassion and love by helping others who are less fortunate than us, whether that meant buying cleats for a player who was using duct tape to keep his shoes together, feeding a group of players who showed up at our house ready for "game day" at 6am and needed a ride out of town, sending a player home with groceries so that they would not go hungry that week, or sitting on the witness stand in court as one of your players had found themselves in a bad situation and simply needed someone who could speak to their character and the potential that they have if only given the chance to be successful.

    Did football consume our family life? Yes. Did we go on fancy vacations and travel? No. Our vacations consisted of road trips to college campuses. Did my brother and I know any different? No, it was life, and it was family. What all of this showed us was that we were lucky. And I also gained a lot of brothers along the way who looked out for me around school and around town. I was Coach's Daughter, and I always felt safe and taken care of.

    Traitor? No. Abandoned your players? Absolutely not. Choosing to stand with your family of coaches? Yes. Choosing to do the right thing even if at the moment you and the other men feel like you've lost a part of your soul without having football in your life? Yes. You can live with that decision because you didn't sell out. You took a stand, and sometimes that's the hardest thing to do.

    You did not let down the team, these players whom you love, or the parents. No. The decisions of others did that. And you are simply the scapegoats. Perhaps, if these others who are pointing fingers and making accusations had chosen to stand up against these decisions and say, "No! THIS is our family too. THIS is our team. THESE are our coaches who just led us to a district championship", perhaps things might have been different. But, since they did not, they can live with the reality that is this season.

    "Don't EVER regret or apologize for doing the right thing. Even if your voice shakes, even if you stand alone, do the right thing."- Unknown Quote

    The good thing is, you aren't standing alone. You're standing next to your brothers who you've stood with for the past 16 years. If someone has a problem with that, let them say something. I have plenty left to say in response.

  2. That was well said, nothing like standing up for something that you believe in. Couldn't have said it any better myself.
