Wednesday, August 28, 2013

View from Above

Duncan BYRNES High School 
One of the most difficult parts about not-coaching is learning how to watch a football game like a normal person again.  Don't take this for granted.  I wish I could watch a football game like I do a baseball game.....just watch the game for enjoyment.  But, I can't do that.  I have to over analyze everything. 
 Since I am an offensive coach, I tend to watch the offenses of every team very carefully.  Since I coached the skill kids, I tend to focus on what they are doing on every play.  In my head I am thinking: "What coverage is the QB looking at?"  "What is the defensive alignment? "How are the defensive backs playing?"  "Is the QB reading Blitz?"  THEN, I focus on the play itself.  How were the QB's steps?"  "Did the QB look off the safety?"  "Do the Wide Receivers run their routes correctly?"  "Who got beat on the offensive line?"  "WHAT WAS THE DAMN SNAP COUNT?"  And on and on. 
A Football coach sort of sees the entire field at one time.  It's hard to explain, but you learn learn how to do it.   I have looked at so much video (or TAPE in the old days) that I think it has become second nature.  Since I am an offensive coach, I look at a lot of defenses, and this determines what play needs to be called to beat the defense.  Naturally, a defensive coach looks at a lot of offenses, so he is doing the same thing in reverse.  I know, it's weird.  But sometimes I am actually brain-tired after watching a game from the stands or on big screen TV. 
Byrnes Offense Goes To Work
I am always thinking offensive football even today.  For some reason, I will start drawing up plays at the weirdest times.  I have found plays written on my business order forms, on my desk, on my work bench, on napkins, on random pieces of paper, or in the dirt where I am standing  I used to keep a tablet on the nightstand beside my bed for those middle-of-the-night plays when they come.  I know, I know, I have to move on....but my brain does not know it yet. 
California De La Salle High School-Great Program
I think this whole not-coaching thing may be good for my football career.  I am sure collecting a lot of information from all the schools I am visiting, and I have a lot of fresh ideas that I may adapt.  All coaches are thieves really.  We will steal ideas from one another, and then start using it our self.  Once we use it, then it becomes our own. 
Man, I really miss not being on the field. 


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sleeping With The Enemy


Vero Beach vs Sebastian 
Phone Rings:  
Me:  "Hey Man" 
Pete:  "Hey, Whats Up?" 
Me:  " Just wanted you to know I hate you this week" 
Pete:  "Oh, OK.  I hate you too" 
Me:  "I will call you after the game" 
Pete:  "OK, Later" 
I think I have started Rivalry Week the same way since Pete Deluke joined the Vero Beach coaching staff.  I generally called him after our game on Friday night, and this officially began "Rivalry Week for me.  Do I really hate Pete Deluke?  Of course not, but it was part of the tradition of the VB vs SR rivalry for me. 
Truth is that my career was BORN in Vero Beach some 27 years ago.  I came up through the program coaching with the recreation department, junior high school, and later at the high school.  It was an honor to work with / for Billy Livings and listen to his stories about the early years.  The Citrus Bowl was a fantastic place to view and participate in a high school football game.  It was (and still is really) old school football at its best.  The community LOVES this team, and their full stands certainly show it.  In fact, most of our old staff at SRHS also came from Vero Beach.  Coach Bethel, Coach Wilson, Coach Perry, either played or coached at the school....which made it imperative that we beat them......on the field. 
Does Hulk Hogan HATE Ric Flair? 
HATE is such a strong word.  Unfortunately, the word is used all-to-often to describe different situations.  Some people confuse the term "Hate" for the term "Competition"  in the sports world, and that is unfortunate.  Coaches will use about anything to motivate his players to play above-their-heads in a big rivalry game....including infusing a hatred for the opponent.  Do coaches really hate each other because they coach on the other team?  Of course not.....especially due to the fact he may be working for that hated team next season.  Can't burn your bridges. 
Seriously, do you really think Hulk Hogan HATES Ric Flair as a person?  No, but they may dislike each other as a competitor....but don't confuse this with lack of respect.  Fact is they probably ate dinner and drank a beer together after the match above. 
Do the ARMY Cadets really HATE the Navy Midshipman? 
Does VANDERBILT REALLY hate Tennessee? 
Florida vs Louisville 
Louisville's head coach Charlie Strong coached at Florida for years.  He was one of the all time great defensive coordinators in Florida.  Finally, he got his chance to be a head coach at Louisville.  Last year, Florida met Louisville in the Allstate Sugar Bowl.  Charlie had his players UP and ready to play their big SEC Opponent.  I am sure Charlie used a little "They never gave me a chance" stuff in preparing his team.  I am sure the team HATED Florida for this game....they were going out to win this game for "Coach Strong" ....and they did!  Does Coach Strong really hate UF?  No, I am sure he still loves the program.  But, a coach has to do what a coach has to do.  

Does Notre Dame REALLY hate Michigan?......Maybe
Coaches rarely HATE another team or HATE a rival coach.  We may dislike a team during game week, or we may talk a little smack on another coach for affect, but coaches generally respect their opponent.  Why?  Because the opponent practices too.  The opponent trains just like we do.  The coaching fraternity is actually very small, so most coaches stick together because we all have similar interests and issues.  Actually HATING an opponent is left to the Fans who do not know better.  Fact is, I actually know more coaches at Vero Beach this year than I do at SRHS.  I have known Pete Deluke, Coach Kris, and Teddy Floyd for years.  How in the world am I going to hate them?  I want to see my friends succeed....wearing RED or not.  Don't ask me to hate Vero Beach just because we (at SRHS) worked to beat them year after year. 
During this week's game, I am going to sit with all the former coaches and support ALL our kids, because they wear BOTH Red and Blue.   


Monday, August 26, 2013

Turning the Knife.

Dedicated to MIKE- Stuck in a Hanger in Kyrgyzstan 

After this posting, you probably will not hear much more from me about WHY we are not coaching...because I am going to beat the subject to death.  I am going to try and explain why this whole deal is so painful for all of us, and hopefully people will at least TRY to understand why we are so pissed off.  I am going to focus on things I have done personally, but all my brothers-in-coaching have their own stories just as noble as mine.  My stories are nothing special....but they are examples of how a good coach (and I am a GOOD coach) will go the extra mile for his kids....and YES, I am talking about the players.  The kids are our babies, and it is our job to take care of them, nurture them, teach them, and most importantly, LOVE them. 
Both my own children (Kristin & Mike) realize I have over 1500 kids.  They often had to share their Daddy with his players, especially if I had a child in need.  They were used to me bringing players home to eat with my family, or perhaps going to a sporting goods store to purchase cleats for a player who could not afford new ones.  They have watched me give my last dollar or two to a player who wanted a cold drink from a concession stand after a game.  My kids never complained though, because to them, this was a normal way of life.  Their Daddy was just being Coach Dad....and I was taking care of my kids.  I have NEVER turned my back on a player....ever. 
Like I said earlier, EVERY coach has his / her own stories about going the extra mile for his kids.  This is exactly what makes the accusations against my coaching brothers so disturbing.  Our staff was together for so long that it almost became automatic for us.  " Hey guys, so and so needs groceries for the house"  We all reach into our pocket and give what we can questions asked.  "Hey guys, so and so needs his electric bill paid.  They are cut-off"  We all dig deeper into our pocket and pay the bill for his family.  "Hey guys, so and so house just burned down...his family is homeless"  Again, a collection is taken.   We never asked for anything in return.  Just knowing you did the right thing was payment enough. 
"Turning your back on the program" 
Man, I gave my LIFE for SRHS program.  Everything I did in the community revolved me being with the football staff.  My retail business revolved around the football program.  My PERSONAL life revolved around SRHS football.  Here are some things I bet you did not know. 
* We PERSONALLY built the Barber Street Football Complex.  Chuck Scala, Mike Rizzo, Myself, and Charlie Webster hand dug the footers for the building.  We personally laid every block, and placed every roof truss on the building.  We BUILT the building, placed the score board, BUILT the goal post, and created the playing field.  Wayne Tozzolo donated so much time, and donated so many contractors to the cause as well.  We built the entire complex for $50K and deeded the facility to the city.  All the labor was free to the city.  Now they have a facility worth at least 300K or better.  All this was done so SRHS would have a good feeder program. 
*  I got married on SRHS Football field.  On the 50 yard line.  The preacher wore referee stripes.  Chairs were set-up on the field.  One of my best men was Dan Smith...a coaching colleague.  Bethel sat in the stands and threw me the ring taped to a football.  Cheerleader cheered, and members of the band played.  The ushers were former players who wore football jerseys and their former number.  WHY?  Because being a SRHS coach is who I am. 
Granddaughter Kelsey Holding "Ring" Ball 

*  I worked HARD to make sure the program was saving money.  I brought home BAGS of laundry and asked Marty to sew them up for Coach Wilson.  She spent HOURS sewing jerseys and pants, girdles, etc.. because we did not have the funds to replace them.  I watched Coach Wilson recycle old uniforms into practice gear because we did not have the money to purchase new stuff. 

* We had a "Little Person" on our team.  All this kid wanted was to look like everyone else on the team.  Marty spent HOURS sewing and adjusting the team clothing to make sure his uniform looked like everyone elses.  Again....Needed to save money. 

* Did you ever notice the HUGE clothing being worn by the big people on the team?  Know where it came from?  Thats right.  Marty actually cut-down old jerseys and sewed them together to make one large jerseys.   Again, we wanted to save the program some money. 
*  I wish I had a dollar for every helmet I took home and replaced face mask, or added shields that the player's wanted to add.  I used to sit here in my office, or on the living room couch and work on them while watching television. 
*  Water machines or water cows?  We did not have the money for new ones, so I used to BUILD these machines so the kids would have something to drink during games or practices.  These things are VERY EXPENSIVE, and replacing them was never in the budget.  So, I built them.  Look on the field today, and you may still see one. 
*  Video Recorders?  LOL, we never had one for practices.  The coaches used to bring their own equipment from home to use.  We could not copy DVD's for video exchange, so BETHEL purchased one (Out of his own pocket) so we could make some copies.  Luckily, Mr. Wouldridge used to film our games.  But camera equipment and recording equipment was not in the budget.  Especially the costs of HUDL. 
* We always had issues with electricity.  When they tore out the portables, they took our nearest source of electricity with them.  It was impossible to make anything electrical to work on the practice I got some long HEAVY 10 gauge (3 wire cord) and made the huge electrical cords to run from the football building to the practice field.  We asked for a simple electrical outlet and never got it.  Not in the budget. 
*  Coaches always used their own vehicles to transport equipment....all over the area.  Then we got a large trailer, and we pulled that all over the of charge.  We did not even ask for gas money, because it probably was not in the budget.  Maybe, just maybe, we could use that money for new wrist bands, or maybe new footballs. 
* See the big trash cans being used now on the practice fields?  Well, most of them were donated by my brother's company.  Tony Perry used to love them for practice purposes.  Again, making do with what we had to work with. 
*  Last year we did not have practice balls.  The ones we did have were old and slick, and the QB's could not throw them.  I gave them all to the kickers, and personally purchased 6 Wilson "P" Balls to use for practice.  We had some game balls, but practice balls were hard to come by.  Not in the Budget.   
*  The JV team has not always been fed like they are now before games.  In the early days, the JV team simply did not eat while on the road.  Dan Smith and I used to purchase Peanut Butter and Jelly to feed the kids before the game started.  In the later years, Marty and Tammy Harp used to actually take off work to cook and feed the kids a hot meal before football games.  The actual food costs was always covered, but it was a minor cost in the grand scheme of things. 
" Turned our backs on the kids" 
Are you serious?  Really?  I could go on and on with these same stories, and every former coach on the staff has stories of his own. We do this for the love of the kids, and all of us have certainly paid our dues.  We do not owe anything to anyone.  
Yes, our staff is very tight.  We are all dedicated to each other.  We have celebrated the birth of children.  We have morned the death of a family member.  We have raised each other's kids.  We have watched each other's kids go off to college.  We have watched as Grand Children were introduced into our coaching family.  YES, we have fought each other...what family does not fight?  We make fun of one another, and laugh and tease each other.  But you know what?  No one else is allowed to do it.  We have proven that we will unite and stay together when one of us is wronged.  
Finally, I will state this again. We did not return to coaching because of the way things were handled.  The dismissal of Randy Bethel (after winning a District Championship) was WRONG.  It should have at least got him another couple of years.  We did not want this....The administration wanted this.  Now, the school has to pay the price. 
I'm done with this subject right now.  Don't bother asking me again. 
PS.  To all the SRHS Players.  I still love all you guys, and you know that.   

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Words of a Traitor

This blog entry is dedicated to my son Mike.  He is being deployed as I write this.  2nd Cavalry Fighting Man. 

Ric Flair Not Too Damn Happy 

"How could you abandon the kids?"  
These words were pulling at my heart as I debated my next move.  What would be the 'politically correct' way of handling my first response?  What would be my 'Kentucky Redneck' way of handling my initial response?  I picked up my #Blackberry phone and went to my #Twitter account.   I could feel my blood pressure rise as I chose the high ground in my first response; luckily, a big supporter came to my defense almost instantly.......
If you have read either of my blogs at all ( and this current blog, you know that I am no longer coaching at Sebastian River High School (SRHS)  In fact, upon Coach Bethel's dismissal, SRHS lost nearly the entire staff (all but one) at the same time.  Simply put, we all chose not to go back out this year.  I won't get into the story again (read the blogs) but each of us have our own reasons for not coaching.  However, each of us are united with one big reason for not coaching.  RESPECT. The public is being fed a long line of propaganda bullshit being put out by the people in charge.
We were told that people wanted a coaching change...this is what the public wants.  Yet, when we try to leave, we are labeled with the following adjectives and statements. Yes, we hear them constantly. 
*  Traitors
*  Cowards
* "Turned our backs on the kids"
* "Turned our backs on the program"
*  BBC  (Big Black Coaches)
Let me get something straight right now.  We NEVER turned our backs on the kids...NONE of us will do that.  ( NEVER turned my back on Mason or Zach..I love them both like my own sons.)  It is better if I just back off and let them concentrate on football away from the drama surrounding the former coaches.  If you ask any of the kids, deep down, they know that they could call ANY of us right now, and we would help them at the drop of a hat.  It's not their fault that adults are idiots. 
These incidents happened to me just this week.  These are the reasons I can no longer live in Florida.  These are the reasons I absolutely hate it here. 
1.  I was going fishing.  I stopped at Walmart to purchase some D.O.A. rubber fishing baits for redfish and snook.  I was looking at a package of baits, and I hear a lady say: "Didn't you used to coach at the school?"  I said: "Yes"  She said: "Are you one of the bunch who left the football team?  How could you guys turn your backs on the kids like that?"  Now keep this in mind, I did not know this lady from Adam.  I immediately dropped a big "F" Bomb on this bitch, and followed it up with another shortly after.  Then, her husband decided he was going to get involved and I shut his ass up with a 3rd "F" bomb.  I had no idea who these people were.....parent or otherwise.  I just threw down my baits and walked out. 
2.  As I started this blog, I began telling a story of an incident which happened just yesterday.  I received a 'Tweet' from a lady (we all know) accusing all the coaches of turning their backs on the kids.  This tweet was un-solicited and just came out of no where.  Apparently, she did not like the fact that virtually the entire former football staff was sitting in the stands at the Vero Beach (VB) game and watching two great football teams compete.  She came at me first....Luckily, my daughter Kristin jumped in and shut her up. 
Now, this kind of stuff is constantly happening to me.  I am constantly answering questions, avoiding questions, and hiding from people asking about why we decided not to coach.  Even my retail business customers are asking why we left.  I can't stand it anymore.  I just want to leave this hell I am living in and move.....its going to happen soon too. 

                                                                            Ric Flair Begs For Mercy

So, to answer the big question:  "Why did we stop coaching?"  Here is your answer: 
I stopped coaching because what they did to Randy Bethel was wrong.....very wrong.  The disrespect they showed to Randy's staff was awful.  They assumed we all were coming back....well, they were wrong.  Don't blame the coaches.....Blame the Administration. 

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Vero Beach SPANKS Palm Bay 24-13

                                All Photos Borrowed from TC-Palm Website  (Thanks)   

All week long I was trying to convince myself that I no longer wanted to watch high school football, and I had planned to stay at home and work on my boat to use for this weekend.  I came home early from work, and fired up the lawnmower at about 3:30 pm.  As I walked behind the lawn mower, the smell of the fresh-cut grass drifted into my nose. By the time I finished cutting the front yard, I was covered with sweat, which reminded me of all the years I spent in our locker room at Sebastian River High School.  The combination of smells made my decision for me:  I was going to the Vero Beach vs Palm Bay game.....Kickoff  7:00 PM at the Citrus Bowl. 

I knew a few of my former coaching collagues would be there, so I was looking forward to seeing them.  I actually had to PAY admission at the gate...which is a first for me. My heart was beating out of my chest as I walked into what used to be ENEMY TERRITORY, but I rounded the corner and immediately saw #93 Patrick Bethel (Randy Bethel's boy, and former player) warming up.  I knew I was going to be OK after that. 

I sat in the stands with Chris Jefferson, Coach Wilson, Randy Bethel, Joe Nathaniel, Keith Matthews, Kendrick Washington, Kendrick Willis (all former coaches) along with Robin Bethel and Lon Wilson.  We watched the game, and talked and laughed.  I had a GREAT time with my good friends.  I am so glad I decided to go.  I also had a good conversation with Ray McNulty (a newspaper columnist for TCPalm - The Press Journal) before the game.  He is really a nice guy.....very supportive. 

                                                 Now the Game: 

I had watched #VBFootball practice earlier in the week, and I felt pretty good about tonight's game.  However, the Palm Bay Pirates are no joke, and they are generally a powerhouse 7A School in the county north of us.  I Knew they would be a great test for Vero Beach.  I predicted a final score of:  21-17  VB. 

Team Captains 
Vero received the ball first and immediately turned the ball over to the fired-up Palm Bay team.  Within two plays, Palm Bay (PB) scored and made the game 7-0 within two minutes of the first quarter.   I thought: "Uh-Oh, this may be a long night"   Luckily, Vero Beach (VB) quickly gathered themselves and took control from that point forward.  Vero's offensive line is pretty inexperienced, so I figured it was going to take some time to get their feet under them, and I guess Head Coach Lenny Janikowski was thinking the same thing.  He immediately went to his quick screen game and
moved the ball down the field quickly.  #1 (Will Dawkins) was beating his man to sleep, and it did not take long for the QB #10 (Dalton Stokes) to find his prime target in the endzone.  From this point forward, the game was never really in doubt. 
Receiver Will Dawkins

QB Dalton Stokes 

Vero Beach's Defensive unit is going to be awesome this year. This unit is very stong and very fast this year, and they are going to give a lot of teams a lot of trouble. I am VERY proud to see a couple of our former kids playing so well. #31 Calvin Moment got some nice playing time on special teams, and he played a little bit at Linebacker for Coach Kristoforski (Coach K.) Coach Bethel's son (Patrick- 6'3" 240 Lbs- 10th grade) started and played the entire game at Defensive End and had a really good game. I was very proud to see Patrick playing so well. I remember when Patrick was born, so it is like seeing my own son play ball again. This kid was raised on the football field with all of us. Remember the name. You will see Patrick playing on Saturdays in the near future.
All things considered, I would say that Vero Beach beat PALM BAY pretty soundly. However, I would still rank them #2 behind Fort Pierce Central (FPC) at this point. Until SOMEBODY beats FPC, they will remain #1 in my opinion. Of course, all this could change next week. This is the beauty of Florida High School just never know!
Next Week's 'Game Of The Week' will be:  Vero Beach vs Sebastian River...... Whew....going to be a rough week for someone. 



Thursday, August 22, 2013


GAME OF THE WEEK:  Vero Beach vs Palm Bay 

Yes, thats right, and I have so much to discuss with my readers.  I have decided to do at least one: "Coach George's Game of The Week"  which will be reviewed on Thursday nights, and the results posted on Friday nights. 

This game is going to be a strong test for these two powerhouse schools

Be sure to check back tomorrow evening for a complete report. 
