Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Ready to Move On....I think.

The Last Ride- Please notice the ring on his right hand.  

I am sorry to bore you guys with this stuff again, but this is the anniversary of my Dad's death, and I am up here in Hazard, KY for some reason.  I really don't know why.  I just felt compelled to be with my Dad where I tossed his ashes into the deep cold waters of Carr Fork Lake one long year ago.  Is there a reason I am here?  I guess I will find out tomorrow before heading into Louisville.  Something happened to me yesterday that I cannot explain.  I just do not know.

See the ring on my Dad's right hand?  This is an ARMY Ring that he has worn for over 57 years.  It is engraved with: United States ARMY- 7th ARMY and the insignia on the side.  Of course it is well worn over the years, and the writing is barely visible in some areas.  I would imagine it is made from White-Gold or perhaps Pure Silver to last so long.  I have no idea what the red stone is or what it is supposed to represent...if anything.  I just know that Dad did not take off this ring in about 57 years...

My Son Mike- Look at his right hand.  

Many of you know that my son Michael is home from Afghanistan (he was stationed in Germany) and living near Ft. Stewart, Georgia.  I have not seen him in about two years.  Mike was deployed when Dad died, so he was not able to come home to be with his Poppo...they were very close.  Yesterday, I drove up to Ft. Stewart and visited my son and his new wife.  We unloaded my truck with various items from the family, and I finally sat down with my big boy on his living room couch. Then, I gave him one final surprise.  I opened up a ring box and showed him Poppo's ring.  I gifted this ring to my son.  Here is where it turned........lets say different.  

 Fit like it was made for him.   

I have to say something.  I do not believe in spirits.  I do not believe in the afterlife.  I do not believe in fortune tellers  or any of that stuff.  Ouija Boards freak me out.  However, I know what I saw...plain as day.  

Michael opened the box and slipped the ring on his right hand where his Poppo always wore it.  The ring fit like it was made especially for him.  Mike leaned back in his chair and crossed his legs.  He put his hand on his knee like I have seen my Dad do thousands of times. I looked up at my son (still dressed in his Army ACUs)  and I about fell off the couch.  There sat my father...or what I imagined he looked like 57 years ago.  He was smiling at me..plain as day.  I literally closed my eyes and refocused on what I THOUGHT I was looking at...and Michael sitting there once again.  My eyes teared up as I looked at my son... Mike said: "Are you OK?"  I said: "yeah, I am fine."

 Truthfully I was a little rocked.  People who know me understand that this kind of stuff freaks me out.  I actually (jokingly) told both my Mom and My Dad  not to come visit me in the afterlife.  "Don't come floating around my room I used to say"  Mom and Dad both roared with laughter when I said that, and knowing my Old Man, he would do it just to see my reaction. I get this sense -of-humor from my Dad.  He used to tell my Grandma that he was going to spit in her eye while she was laying in the casket.   Of course he never did it, but we both had a nice little laugh during her funeral, 

I have no idea what to think.  I just know that I was flooded with pride and happiness at that moment.  I knew the ring went to the right person.  I think I am ready to let all this go now.  I think dad was telling me to move on...it's time.   Afterall, I can just look at my son when I want to see the old man for now on.  

My Dads Flag Flying in Afghanistan.  

 I will let you know if something weird happens tomorrow....at the lake.


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