Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Shooting OFF at The Mouth

This Blog Entry Is Dedicated to my Son Mike
Sgt George M Zaleuke 
M4A1 Carbine with Grenade Launcher 
50 Caliber (Look at those shells) 
Mike's Stryker Moving Out...AWESOME 

I am going to apologize ahead of time for some colorful language I will be using in this blog entry.  Some of you may find this language disgusting, and some of you will find this language funny as hell.  If you don't want to read this blog entry, I understand.  I don't want to be vulgar, but I have to tell the story. 
"You guys are playing like you have dildos shoved up your asses" 
I once heard a football coach say this to a bunch of football players. I could not believe what I was hearing.  Coach R. was a defensive coordinator, and the defense was having a hard time on that day.  Truthfully, they did look a little flat-footed.  Coach called a time-out and gracefully invited the team to the sideline.  We both went out to greet the team and he was hot under the collar. All of a sudden, Coach R. blurted out the offending statement. I can still see his clinched teeth and his red face in my mind.  It was the worst thing I have ever heard on the football field, and I laughed until I got sick to my stomach.  Luckily, no one outside of the sideline heard the comment, because if they did, Coach R would have been fired...even then. 
Coach John Fey, Head Coach of Jensen Beach High School (JBHS)  was fired late last week for using "Inappropriate Language" during a team practice last Monday (Labor Day)  At least this was the official reason given by JBHS.  No other reason was given or even offered.  No one is really buying the story though, because what coach gets fired for cussing?  JBHS would not fire a coach for cussing......or would they?  In today's world of being politically correct, who the hell knows?  But it really makes no sense at all....there HAS to be something else to the dismissal. 

                                                           Vince Lombardi in a "Happier" time.
Football coaches don't all cuss.  Tony Dungy (former HC of the NFL's Colts) rarely raised his voice to his players at all.  Coach Bethel VERY RARELY cursed on the field, and if he did, he was asking God to forgive him immediately.  On the other hand, I used colorful language on occasion....mostly by accident.  I was never cursing the kids directly, I was mostly curing WHAT happened on a particular play.  Most of the coaches on our staff were like that.  Occasionally something slipped out, but we never made a habit of it.  Coach Bethel used to actually fine us for cursing on the field.  Bethel would actually keep track of who was cussing and fine us $1.00 for every one he heard.  I usually led the team in cussing fines.  Sometimes, I used to pre-pay the cuss jar ahead of time if I thought it was going to be a bad day.  Bethel used the cuss jar fines for things the kids needed. 
I will admit that I have heard some bad cussing on the field.... a lot of it by the player's themselves during a game.  Some of these "kids" are 17-18 years old, so it's going to happen.  We would generally say something to the offender and quickly move on.  "Mother Fucker" seems to be pretty popular among cursing terms these days.  I have heard it used in all sorts of ways....both good and bad believe it or not.  It is used sort of like the word DUDE.  Sort of a generic word for all occasions.
Hello:  "Dude!" 
Goodbye: "Dude."
Did Bad:  "duuuuude!"
Did Good: "DUDE!" 
Who is there: " ddd...dude?
Coaches rarely curse at the player...they curse at the situation....not that it makes it right.  Most coaches were competitors themselves, so frustration plays a part in his choice of words.  Also, most of us came from a time when cursing was EXPECTED from a football coach.  My coach used to call me a "Piece of Shit" as he grabbed my face mask and dragged me across the field.  That's how you knew a coach liked you back in the day.  Almost a bonding type of thing. LOL.  I miss those days. 
To ruin a man's career for "Inappropriate Language" is just wrong.  Why didn't the parents support their head coach?  There HAS to be more to this story.  I am not saying cursing by players or coaches is OK, but it does happen...at every level, every day.  Some people should quit protecting their "Babies" and let them experience the real world...how it really is. 


1 comment:

  1. 2nd best thing: Rondell's Dad returning his 10 YEAR OLD SON to practice: "Coach, here's your little Pu$$y!"
